
Archive for December, 2014

Brew #80: Rambler’s Resolution Bitter

December 6, 2014 Comments off

This beer was going to be my final one but I never got to brew it – all my brewing gear and books were on sale and they sold very quickly. I really loved my Speidel BM, 98% of the beers I brewed with it and the hobby itself. Not living in a free country and commercial beers being quite expensive and limited in range, BM saved me a pretty penny even when factoring in the high cost of the initial outlay. Should I ever pick up the hobby again I’ll get the BM again but for the time being I will be limited to commercial beer, which should be no problem in England where I’ll be returning to some time next year, earlier the better.

I assume this blog and its recipes will stay open for future reference for anyone interested, I have lost the password and also the other password for the email address linked to it so when those get erased from my laptop it all goes into the cyberspace. I hope some people found the blog useful, thanks for reading, new life new hobbies, onwards and upwards,



I want to drink a very hoppy lowish gravity beer at Christmas.

OG 1046°, IBU 61, EBC 19, yeast MJ British Ale


Pale Ale 4.2kg 90%

Wheat malt 150g 3%

Crystal malt 120g 3%

Carared 100g 2%

Flaked oats 100g 2%

Black malt 10g for colour


Herkules AA 15% 25g 60min IBU37

Admiral AA 13% 25g 20min IBU20

Admiral AA 13% 15g 5min IBU4


Mash in at 55°C, 60min at 65°C, 15min at 77°C.

Categories: Brewing